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Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Fall River Massachusetts

Updated on April 9, 2013

The Lizzie Borden Murder Story

One of the most infamous murders occurred in the garment and textile producing city of Fall River Massachusetts. It was the Borden murders which resulted in the trial of Lizzie Borden charged with the hatchet murders of her father and stepmother. , Andrew Jackson Borden, and Abby Durfee Borden were found dead on August 4, 1892, the only people in the house that day was Lizzie Borden and the family maid.

Lizzie Borden was charged with the murders on August 11 1892. A hatchet was found in the basement but their was no blood found on it. The Fall River Police did not use fingerprinting at that time. There was no blood found anywhere to incriminate Lizzie Borden. Lizzie Borden had burned a dress a few days after the murder but no remains could be salvaged by investigators.

On June 20 1892, in a New Bedford court room after an hour and a half deliberation the jury acquitted Lizzie Borden.

The Murder Home Bed and Breakfast

The home where the murders occurred has since become one of the most popular Bed & Breakfast destinations in New England. The waiting list is booked years in advance. There has been rumours of paranormal activity so the home has a particular allure.

Guests are served a breakfast similar to the one the Bordens ate on the morning of the murders, which includes bananas, johnny-cakes, sugar cookies and coffee.

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The Lizzie Borden Murder House

Are There Ghosts In The Home?

Paranormal Research

Many Psychics and paranormal researchers have been in the murder house. There have been claims of ghost sightings in the home. There are people that tell stories of hearing a woman weeping and seeing a woman in Victorian clothing dusting furniture and straightening bed covers.

It is rumoured that doors open and close by themselves. People have heard muffled conversation coming from empty rooms. Lights flicker, video equipment turns on and off and cameras operate when no one is using them, but they don't work when people try to operate the devices.

The show Ghost Hunters even did an episode on haunting in the home. They found no conclusive evidence. Some locals claim that the owners of the Bed & Breakfast are perpetrating the rumours to create publicity for the home.


Montel Williams Sylvia Brown Investigate Lizzie Borden Murder Home For Hauntings

Entertainment reporter Tim Estiloz takes you on an informative tour of the Lizzie Borden home

Lizzie Borden Home

This is the home that Lizzie Bordn lived in after the trials.
This is the home that Lizzie Bordn lived in after the trials.

More of the Lizzie Borden Story:

If you are interested in more information on the murders or the trial this is a good source.


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